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How CSL Supports Your Well-being

Pictured: CSL Seqirus employee in the Netherlands

Your Employee Journey

We recognize your job is only a part of who you are. CSL supports the whole employee, which is why employee benefits and perks are a part of what makes a Promising FUTURE at CSL so special. Our benefit packages vary by region. Here is a snapshot of what we offer to all employees.


Employee from Broadmeadows Facility

Employee Share Purchase Plan

We offer employees an opportunity to share in the ownership, growth and future success of CSL by purchasing company shares at a minimum 15% discount.

job candidate waves during a virtual interview

Employee Recognition Program

Celebrate the Promise is CSL's global recognition experience. It provides an easy and consistent way to recognize colleagues for delivering on our promise, protecting public health and bringing our CSL Values to life.

Employees at Marburg Facility

Employee Referral Program

CSL offers a bonus to employees who refer an external candidate who subsequently gets hired.

Your Well-being

Female employee at a meeting

Employee Assistance Program

CSL's Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is designed to provide employees and their loved ones support in addressing various issues related to their overall wellbeing. The program is administered by Guidance Resources and includes eight session per issue per year.

woman seated in a chair in a yoga pose

Headspace for Work

The Headspace App is your personal guide to stress less, increase focus, improve sleep, and introduce mindfulness and meditation into your daily life. CSL pays 100% of the subscription and it can be shared with your loved ones.

Woman at airport

Travel Assistance

When traveling for work, CSL provides 24/7 coverage and assistance through Global Guardian if you experience a medical issue, travel delay or security issue.